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Visitors 55
Modified 31-Oct-08
Created 31-Oct-08
30 photos

The photos were taken from dawn on Friday, Oct. 24 to sunset on Saturday, Oct 25. Heavy clouds and occasional mist were the norm all day Friday and Saturday morning. The sky cleared by Saturday noon so we had some sunshine when the cranes returned from the fields south of Crex in the late afternoon. My first attempts at using flash is evidenced the first few shots in the gallery. You may be able to see a little "eye shine" from the flash.
4506 Sandhill Cranes at Dawn4535 3 Cranes in Flight4562 Three Cranes4570 Geese on Misty Pond4575 Hawk in Tree4601 Lone Sandhill Crane4615 Trumpeter Swan Pair4617 Trumpeter Swan Pair4640 Cranes in Flight4655 Cranes in Flight4678 Cranes Landing4742 Cranes in Marsh4752 Cranes at Marsh Edge4765 Crane Take-off4771 Crane Flight4776 Cranes in Misty Marsh4817 Lone Crane4863 Coots on Phantom Lake4886 Crane Flight4902 Three Cranes Flying

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Crex Meadows, sandhill cranes